Introduction to SMB (Samba)

SMB (Server Message Block), also known as Samba, is a network protocol that allows for shared access to files, printers, and serial ports between nodes on a network. By integrating SMB with your WiiM app, you can take advantage of centralized and expandable storage for high-quality audio streaming, and offline access, enhancing the flexibility, reliability, and quality of your home audio experience.

Benefits of Using SMB (Samba) with WiiM

- Centralized Storage: Store your entire music library in one location for easy access and management.

- Expandable Storage: Easily increase your storage capacity by adding more hard drives to your NAS or computer.

- High-Quality Streaming: Enjoy lossless audio streaming with a stable and reliable connection.

- Offline Access: Stream your music locally without relying on an internet connection.

How to Add and Access SMB Shared Files in the WiiM App

1. Open the WiiM App

  • Go to the Browse page.
  • Click on Home Music Share.
  • Tap the icon in the upper right corner of the Home Music Share page.

2. Add SMB Shared Files

  • Enter the SMB shared file address, login name, and password.
  • Click Add to automatically access the shared folder.
  • The SMB shared file address is shown in the image below. Alternatively, you can replace the host name with the computer's IP address.
  • The login name refers to the username and password set on the computer.

3. Browse and Play

  • Enter the folder to browse and play songs directly.
  • Next time, you can access the shared files directly and conveniently through the Share Folder module to play songs on the Home Music Share page.