What's Room Correction:

Room correction is a process that involves adjusting the audio output of a sound system to compensate for the acoustic characteristics of a specific room, enhancing sound quality and accuracy.

The Benefits of Room Correction:


1. Improved Sound Quality: Room correction systems analyze the acoustic properties of a room and apply adjustments to minimize negative effects such as echoes, reverberations, and standing waves. This results in clearer, more accurate sound reproduction.


2. Compensation for Room Acoustics: Every room has unique acoustic characteristics that can affect sound quality. Room correction compensates for these characteristics, adjusting the audio output to ensure that it closely matches the original recording. This is particularly important in rooms with hard surfaces that reflect sound or in oddly shaped spaces where sound can be unevenly distributed.


3. Optimized Listening Experience Across Different Spaces: Whether you're in a small bedroom, a large living room, or a basement, room correction ensures that your audio system is optimized for the best possible listening experience regardless of the room size or layout.


4. Enhanced Detail and Clarity: By correcting frequency response anomalies and time-based errors, room correction brings out the detail and clarity in music and audio content. This means you can hear each instrument and voice more distinctly, bringing you closer to a live performance experience.


5. Adaptability to Different Listening Preferences: Some room correction systems allow users to customize the correction curve according to their personal listening preferences. This means you can tweak the sound to be warmer, brighter, more bass-heavy, etc., according to what you enjoy most.



6. Integration with Home Theater Systems: For home cinema enthusiasts, room correction ensures that the surround sound experience is immersive and accurate. It ensures that the soundstage is well-balanced and that effects move smoothly across the room, closely mimicking the experience of being in a movie theater.


7. Balanced Bass Response: One of the most challenging aspects of audio reproduction in rooms is achieving a balanced bass response. Room correction helps to even out the bass frequencies, reducing boominess and muddiness that can occur when bass waves interact poorly with room dimensions and furnishings.


8. Increased Sweet Spot Size: Normally, there's a specific spot in a room (the sweet spot) where the audio sounds the best. Room correction can help increase the size of this sweet spot, making the audio more enjoyable from more positions within the room.


In summary, room correction is a powerful tool for anyone looking to get the best possible performance out of their audio system. It customizes the audio output to match the specific acoustics of the room, ensuring a more enjoyable and accurate listening experience.

Guidelines for Room Correction:

1. Before Calibration

1. Ensure Proper Speaker Placement:

  • Avoid obstructions around the speakers.
  • Set the volume to a moderate level.
  • Close doors and windows.
  • Keep the room as quiet as possible.

2. Configure Parameters:

  • Target Curve: Choose the desired frequency response curve before room correction.
  • Frequency Range: Adjust the frequency range to be corrected. If your speakers have bass enhancement, it's recommended to exclude that frequency range.
  • Gain: Adjust the volume level during calibration. Set gain according to the room's acoustic characteristics and personal preference to avoid distortion or unnatural sound.
  • Q Value: 
    • Lower Q values are suitable for smooth frequency response adjustments.
    • Higher Q values are used for precise correction of specific frequency peaks and dips but may cause "ringing."

3. Subwoofer:

  • Currently, our Room Correction is not compatible with subwoofers. We are working on this feature.
  • Check your subwoofer's crossover frequency and ensure the start of the frequency range for correction is above this crossover to avoid incorrect adjustments for your room's acoustics.

2. During Calibration

1. Preparation:

  • ALWAYS remove the protective case from your phone.
  • ALWAYS hold the phone as far away from your body as possible.
  • ALWAYS point the microphone towards the speaker you are currently measuring.
  • ALWAYS place the microphone at ear level (if you sit while listening, use the height of your ears when seated).

2. Microphone Placement:

  • Ensure the microphone, the listener’s ears, and the speaker’s acoustic center are approximately at the same height.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using Room Correction:

 1. Open the WiiM Home app and navigate to the 'Device' tab.

 2. Within the 'Device' tab, locate and tap the gear icon to access device settings, then tap Room Correction.

 3. Tap the ‘Next’ button to start Room Correction setting

 4. To proceed, please remain silent and avoid making any unnecessary movements. Once you have done this, you can tap the 'Next' button. 

 5. Sit in the spot where you typically enjoy listening,and position your Apple device at ear height

 6. Wait about 10s for calibrating.


7. Wait about one minute to analyze.

 8. At the end, a customized parametric equalizer will be displayed and configured successfully.

9. Furthermore, you can adjust the specification settings for Room Correction.